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  Nanomaterial Science           Ultrasensitive Spectroscopy           Proteins at Surfaces          Single Cell Technologies

Physical Chemistry research at the border of Medicine, Biology and Material Science is one of the most exciting research fields. Based on the fundamental principles of Physics and Chemistry research we focus with our work on the design and analysis of surfaces and the behaviour of molecules when they approach surfaces and adsorb there. Outcomes of our research are the Supercritical Fluoresence Microscopy (SAF), studies of proteins at surfaces and novel silicone nanostructures which change properties of surfaces dramatically..

Our team at University of Zurich has several programmes of work, all grouped around a common theme of ultrasensitive analysis of molecules at surfaces and surface chemistry of various solid supports using nanotechnology approaches. For more information, click at the picture provided above.

Further, the team at our spin-off, Molecular Machines & Industries, has worked over years on single cell technologies, which have reached an "adult" state and are sucessfully commerzialized and further developed by Molecular Machines & Industries, Inc.






Stefan Seeger
Stefan Seeger