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We describe a research company organization concept: "Virtual Companies" in Drug Dicovery Today, 19(3), 348, 2014



The first time nanotubes made from silicone has been described: Chemistry of Materials, 25, 2487 (2013) 



Our data showing the behaviour of Parkinson inducing a-synuclin aggregates are published in ACS Neurochemistry



Our study about the interaction of a-synuclein, a protein involved in Parkinson disease, with lipid bilayers is in press: J. Am. Soc.



Our work about superoleophobic surface coatings is published in Angew. Chem.: Zhang, S. Seeger: Superoleophobic Coatings with Ultra-low Sliding Angles Based on Silicone Nanofilaments, Angewandte Chemie, Int. Ed. 50, 6652-6656 (2011)



Our work about Nanometer Axial Resolution by Three-Dimensional Supercritical Angle Fluorescence Microscopy is published: C. Winterflood, T. Ruckstuhl, S. Seeger, Phys.Rev.Lett. 105, 108103 (2010)

The German television station publishs a contribution about our work on nanotechnology: http://www.3sat.de

The World EXPO 2010 has opened its doors. Our superhydrophobic Coating technology is going to be presented in the Innovation Pavillon in Shanghai from May, 1st until October 31st.

Our Nanotechnology technology has been selected as one of the 100 important innovations by the World EXPO 2010 comittee and will be presented in the Innovation Pavillon at the World EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.

Our new review article "Autofluorescence Detection in Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry" has been published in Applied Spectroscopy Reviews; Coauthor is Dr. Qiang Li

MMI presents a new software "CellTools" and camera providing new features, like serial section modus, low scan mode for lowest read out noise etc.

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Welcome !

We are a team of scientists having the passion to do basic chemical research, develop new technologies in nanotechnology, surface science and laser spectroscopy and transfer the technology into useful knowledge, services, and products. Our interest is also on fundamental aspects at the interface of natural and ecoonomic science.










Stefan Seeger
Stefan Seeger